A beautiful detailed statue to compliment your altar table. Brigid, Astarte, Lakshmi, Morrigan, Hecate or Oya, just a few of the many goddesses for this Triple Moon altar set
Product Features
- ALTAR TABLE TRIPLE GODDESS WICCAN KIT – 5 in Cold Cast Bronze Statue with Moon Goddess with Triple Moon Pentagram Tarot Cloth. Kit also includes Pentagram Triple Moon Ornament
- TRIPLE MOON GODDESS STATUE – 5.5 in cold cast bronze sculpture. This beautiful detailed piece features the Maiden, Mother and Crone surrounding the Tree of Life. The Maiden carries the waxing moon, the mother the full moon and the crone the waning moon
- TAROT CLOTH – 24 in x 24 in – Triple Goddess with Pentagram. Gold/Silver on black with golden celtic knot borders. 100% cotton with frayed borders
- TRIPLE MOON PENDANT – with Pentagram. Approximately 1.5 in
Beautifully crafted
Surpassed Expectations
I’ve been looking everywhere for statues like these! Most triple goddess statues are all merged together. These statues being individual helps me work with individual aspects of the goddess when I need to and I would recommend it to any Goddess worshiping pagan!The statues are extremely detailed and beautifully crafted.The altar cloth is okay, but fades after a few washes and easily burns. So keep this in mind.The necklace is a bit lackluster I must admit,…