Mix Chakra Tree This Beautiful Mix Gemstone Feng Shui Crystal Tree to Feng Shui Your Way to a Better Life. Feng Shui Colourful Semi Precious Gemstones Tumble Tree Is a Good Luck Charm and Helps to Attract Wealth and Fortune. This Positive Energy Gem Tree Looks Divine and Can Become a Part of Living Room, Office or Your Entrance Hall. a Jade Gem Tree Can Be Used as a Feng Shui Cure for Health in Your Health and Family Area.chakras Are Energy Centers in Our Body in Which Energy Flows Through in Balance With Each Other. An Unbalanced Energy Field May Cause a Blockage in the Flow of Energy. a Tree Represents Stability as Well as the Overall Growth in Life, Thus Loaded With the Powerful Gemstones Too Adds Meaning and Heal the Overall Torso.it Has Seven Stones That Help One to Connect and Open Chakras’ Free Flow of Energy. place the Mix Gemstone Feng Shui Crystal Tree in the Southwest Sector of Your Living Rooms or Bedroom to Enhance Your Love and Romance Luck and at the Same Time Benefit the Matriarch. The South West Sector Governs Love, Romance and Marriage Luck Based on the Pakua Aspirations Trigram and Its Element Is Earth. a Tree Represents Stability as Well as the Overall Growth in Life, Thus Loaded With the Powerful Gemstones Too Adds Meaning and Heal the Overall Torso.it Has Seven Stones That Help One to Connect and Open Chakras’ Free Flow of Energy. place the Mix Gemstone Feng Shui Crystal Tree in the Northwest to Increase Money Luck and Opportunities From Helpful People in Your Business Pursuits or Career. The Northwest Is the Universal Sector for Mentor Luck Based on the Pakua 8 Life Aspirations Theory and Its Element Is Metal. Crystals Represent Earth Energy, and Earth Produces Metal in the Productive Cycle of Elements.
Product Features
- Feng Shui Mix Chakra Gemstone Healing Tree (Golden wire) Handmade In India Size: 10-12 Inch. Something simply beautiful like a gemstone tree can create a space where energy can freely flow and also attract good things! The energy of gemstone trees is one of freely flowing abundance.
- Chakras get blocked by negative energy that is unable to be released from the body. … Releasing such energies can be done by opening ones chakras and the energy pathways that allow them a clear path for negative energy blockages to release.
- According to the Feng Shui, this wealth tree stimulates the chakras for a successful professional life, promotes restful sleep and shoo away bad dreams & nightmares.
- This luck tree brings strength and clarity to the intellect, concentration & memory retention, cleanses the emotional aspects, spreads compassion and potentiated with cosmic energy.
- Natural gemstone, You will receive the similar item as picture shown, not exact one since stone is unique, CUSTOMIZE NOTE: IF YOU WANT TO MAKE YOUR PRODUCT IN YOUR OWN WAY, PLEASE LET US KNOWN WE WILL MAKE ANY STONE IN ANY SHAPE FOR YOU WITH ANY OF THE SYMBOLS. Compare with similar items