A new way of approaching disease reveals: current popular methods of increasing cellular oxygenation; formulas, patents, and ongoing lab, scientific and medical studies; anecdotal and medical case histories of former AIDS and other degenerative disease victims, who were treated with oxygenation methods by health professionals, and are now back at work, and viral free; contacts: names, addresses, methods, and the current status of groups, products, and companies all over the world, who are currently involved with many different types of oxygenation therapies.
Product Features
- Ed McCabe, O2xygen Therapies: A New Way of Approaching Disease, paperback
The best book to read first on O2 therapies.
I bought this book for a friend who borrowed mine and didn’t bring it back for 3 years. I finally reminded him and he claimed to have lost it. But, 2 weeks later he found it and I promised to find him one on the Internet (Charlie don’t surf).What I like about this book:1- The inclusion of studies from around the world. People in the US somehow act like the only valid medical and scientific studies ever done are in the US. We are either too lazy or to Amero-centric (to coin a really ugly phrase) to consider that other countries have scientists and facilities that…