The Trident Maple, also known as Acer buergerianum, is a deciduous tree that grows to heights of up to 45 feet high and 25 feet wide in its native habitat. With its moderate growth rate, and easy maintenance, it is popular as a patio or street tree as well as being highly valued as a particularly beautiful bonsai specimen. This bonsai is quite hearty, but does require special care to survive well. Trident Maples are highly desired for bonsai due to their small, three-lobed leaved, thick gnarly roots that are perfect for the dramatic root over rock technique and a readily thickening trunk that boasts an attractive orange brown peeling appearance. In the fall, the attractive green of the leaved turns into shades of red, orange and yellow and in the spring, showy yellow flowers are to be enjoyed.
Product Features
- CONTENTS: Bonsai, Decorative Container (Assorted Colors & Styles), Soil, Care Instructions.
- SPECIES: Trident Maples are highly desired for bonsai due to their small, three-lobed leaved, thick gnarly roots that are perfect for the dramatic root over rock technique and a readily thickening trunk that boasts an attractive orange brown peeling appearance. It is a deciduous tree, shedding it’s leaves in the Fall. Leaves should return in Spring.
- AGE/SIZE/CARE: Your 5 year old bonsai will arrive between 8″ to 12″ tall in an 8″ container and will perform best outdoors (see detailed care instructions in images)
- USES: Ideal Mother’s Day gift, office & cubicle décor or a centerpiece for any kitchen table, desktop, window plant or outdoor décor.
- WARRANTY: Your bonsai tree has been grown in a state-of-the-art greenhouse under precisely controlled conditions to achieve optimum health. If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with your tree or with our service, please notify us within 30 days of receipt. We will correct the situation to your satisfaction.
This little guy came out of the box stark naked. Well, it is fall/winter after all so I wasn’t totally surprised. It was dormant. After two weeks in my Bonsai nursery it began to leaf out. It is early. which is not good for completing the winter cycle, but, this Florida so we will see. My main complaint is the sparseness of the branches and therefore how it can be trained into something full looking and beautiful. It was mismanaged during its early growth and styling. I will update later when…