Bonsai are both eye-catching and extremely popular—and this directory of more than 80 trees details their characteristics and explains how to look after them to get the best results. With stunning photography, and detailed instructions for choosing and growing a plant, it’s ideal for both beginners and enthusiasts alike. There’s advice on essential tools and getting started, on maintaining trees throughout the year, and on solving such frequently encountered problems as dropped or browning leaves. Techniques for nurturing and styling your plant will help you make to make the most of this horticultural art form, and guarantee that your tree stays healthy and beautiful for years to come.
Excellent book on the care of bonsai There are many good bonsai books on the art of bonsais, the tools you use, how to shape and prune your trees, how to wire a tree, and how to get your tree to look like a bonsai. But there are very few bonsai books that cover the growing requirements of the trees.This book is really great for those who are interested in a variety of different trees. If you go to bonsai shows and you come home with several bonsais, whether they are starter trees or bonsais already in pots now you need…
Excellent reference! I’ve gone through over 15 different bonsai books, but this one easily became my favorite. Why? QUICK, EASY, AND TO THE POINT! Many books go into such “encyclopedic” depth about things like wiring, pruning, potting, etc….. To be honest, for me that grows old so quick because I am more of a visual and tactile learner. I need to DO, more than READ, so books like that grow old quick and really do not work for me.This is an EXCELLENT source to get introduced to all the basics that you…