Master Simple Methods by Developing Effective Habits: You would love to have a bonsai tree You may be one of the unfortunate ones who say, “I had one but it died”, even after reading many articles on the internet about how to care for a bonsai tree. After reading all the posts and maybe even a few books about needing the right combination of soil, light and water. You read things like, “…for proper care you must make certain that the soil is always moist but not too moist” or “too much water will cause roots to rot.” Know you are confused enough to say enough is enough, caring for a bonsai is just too complicated. After a brief introduction and History, I will explain the process of using techniques that are easy and traditional, plus I will tell you about the five habits that I developed from my own personal experience that will help you master some simple methods that will allow you to care for your bonsai without constant worry about; too much water, too much light, is the soil ok, does my pretty little tree need fertilize? You will learn by Mastering Simple Methods developed from 25 years of personal experience and guidance from some of the world’s most famous Bonsai Masters: Let your Bonsai tell you when to Prune Let your Bonsai tell you when wiring is right or tight Let your Bonsai tell you when it needs Water Let your Bonsai tell you when to Fertilize Let your Bonsai tell you when change Soil From the Author: I wrote this book not only to share some of my best personal notes about the care and maintenance of bonsai but also to illustrate the simplicity of this beautiful living art. For those that believe having a ‘Green Thumb’ is a necessity for creating a bonsai, I hope this book will convince you that this is not at all true. About the Author: Dennis Nolan has over 25 years’ experience with the Art of Bonsai and is a past president of The Greater Evansville Bonsai Society, 1990-91. During his years with the society, he had the opportunity of meeting and participating in workshops with the late John Y. Naka, one of the world’s most famous bonsai masters.
Same book, different name