The Basics Explained
Starting off with the fascinating history of bonsai, discussion progresses to a beginner’s initial steps in growing bonsai trees. Options of tree selection are detailed with pros and cons of each plus efficient tips. The 10 best bonsai tree species for beginners are revealed with a detailed description and beautiful accompanying photos. Basic bonsai tools and techniques are listed and explained on a beginner’s level.
Clear Step-by-Step Sequences
The heart of the book is the comprehensive information on bonsai care from watering, pruning and fertilizing the plant to detailed, step-by-step training for both indoor and outdoor care. Common pests and diseases that attack bonsai trees are listed with facts and preventive measures. All that a beginner needs to know about basic bonsai maintenance and propagation.
Initial Inspiration
From the technical to the “art” side of bonsai. Different bonsai styles, shapes and forms are discussed comprehensively with sample pictures for inspiration. Display and arrangement information and inspiration are shown including traditional as well as modern indoor and outdoor bonsai display.
Bonsai Basics: A Beginner’s Guide is full of helpful information fit for beginners. It is charmed with inspirational ideas with some practical advice at every turn. Definitely a must-have for anyone who wants to start their bonsai journey.